
Posts Tagged ‘desert’


Well off in the distance
by the red and ocher mountains
near an icy blue stream
there’s a tired, leaning shack
with weather worn walls
that holds a secret that
no one living remembers.


Now and then a stray visitor may venture
through the winding passages
long abandoned
by way of a dusty hollow
where snakes find cold smooth rocks for resting
close to rodent holes and dried stick trees.


Strangers should be warned
not to venture to these mountains
there’s nothing right about the place.
What if the dirt could whisper
what if the desert blooms could scream
what if the trickling water
could wash away the blood stained stones?


With hope the people came here
eking out a tiny life
the sun drew years from them
the rain drowned their dreams
when the wind took their last breaths
they rested, finally
in clothes fit for Sunday
they were carried to their graves.


No one visits the tattered tenements
nor knows the secrets they retain
the markers have been erased by time
tormented by the elements and the years
but there they stand, near by a thin icy blue stream
by the red and ocher mountains
well off in the distance
kissed with the rays
of the setting sun.

©Susan Morgan Bosler
June 6, 2011  All Rights Reserved.  Please do not repost without prior written permission.

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